“Singing in the Rain” with the YVR Way and Works Volunteers

Picture of Tom Train

Tom Train

Author of the YVR Blog

Rain or Shine, the Volunteers of the YVR are committed to track restoration!

On the last weekend of March, the Volunteers from the Way and Works Branch headed out on some rather rainy weather which ducks would have found absolutely amazing! But not to be scared off, the dedicated Volunteer Team stuck through it, performing planned critical works to ensuring the ongoing safe rail operations following recent track inspections. First up, the team took out an absolute track occupation, then headed out to site where a number of sleepers were to be replaced between Bridge 28 and 29 on 38 Mile Curve.

Key steps for the day included:

  • Marking up the sleepers to be replaced
  • Moving sleepers from a stockpile along the line and placing them out as required
  • Removing the rail fasteners
  • Using jacks to lift the rails a little bit to provide some clearance to the sleeper
  • Extracting the old sleeper and inserting a new sleeper
  • Gauge and spike the rails to the sleepers
  • Final inspection using the trusty track gauge checking gauge and cross level
  • Clean-up of the site 

Overall a productive and fun day whereby the Volunteer Team replaced ten (10) sleepers at key locations around the curve, lifted and pack each new sleeper and general clean-up, providing a high quality section of track!

Well done to all volunteers involved, who braved not-so-favorable conditions to help achieve the goals of the YVR!

If you are thinking of Volunteering at the YVR, please be assured that many roles do not require a liking for wet-weather, but rather a passion for railway heritage. Visit our Volunteering page to find out more.

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