Before trains can run each day on the Yarra Valley Railway a track patrol needs to be completed. This is done early in the morning and involves driving along the full length of the running section out of Healesville to ensure that the line is free of obstructions and to inspect the level crossings, bridges and drainage culverts to make sure that they are functioning properly and are fit-for-purpose.
Trundling along the line in the heritage “8W” trolley while out on track patrol also gives you one of the best views you can get of the magnificent scenery of the Yarra Valley – and this morning was no exception, with a bit of fog rolling across the valley to add a bit of seasonal character. The accompanying brisk early morning Autumn chill was less welcome, but soon tempered by a cheeky visit afterwards to one of the many cafes in Healesville to warm up.
To become a Track Patroller at the Yarra Valley Railway you have to first be a qualified safeworker. Visit our Volunteering page to find out more!