Walker Trailer Restoration

Picture of Tom Train

Tom Train

Author of the YVR Blog

The Volunteers of the Mechanical Branch have been working hard on the restoration of a Walker Trailer

The Yarra Valley Railway currently operates passenger train services on the heritage Walker Railmotor 22RM. This railmotor was carefully restored by the volunteers of the Mechanical Branch to such a high standard that the YVR was awarded a national restoration award from ATHRA (Association of Tourist & Heritage Rail Australia).

The Mechanical Branch has now turned its attention to the restoration of the Walker Trailer 58MT. The Walker Trailers are non-powered passenger carriage hauled by Walker Railmotor, similar in design to powered Walker Railmotor. The Walker Trailer will offer additional seating capacity for the YVR’s regular timetabled services and special charters.

Currently the Workshop Volunteers are working on the framing and internal panelling of the Walker Trailer – carefully bring this piece of history back to its former self.

Would you like to be involved? The Workshop is open to all Volunteers, no experience is necessary. The Mechanical Branch meet several times a week – Visit our website to register as a volunteer today! www.yvr.org.au/volunteering T

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