Yarra Glen Station – Heritage Fencing

Picture of Tom Train

Tom Train

Author of the YVR Blog

Picket Fencing works commence at Yarra Glen Station!

With the main works on the restoration of Yarra Glen Station Building now complete, the dedicated volunteers have turned their attention to completing the areas around the building. The team has been working on the picket fencing along the rear platform edge. This fencing is being reconstructed to heritage standards, to accurately reproduce the fence which once stood proudly at Yarra Glen Station.

The volunteer team has sanded, primed and painted each picket before finally fixing them to the fence posts.

The heritage fencing is just the latest piece in the restoration of Yarra Glen Station.

If you are interested in becoming a volunteer in what can be easily called the largest volunteer infrastructure project in Australia, visit our website to register as a volunteer today! www.yvr.org.au/volunteering

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