Take A Seat!
The Yarra Glen Station restoration team have almost finished rebuilding the seating in the station’s undercover waiting area.
The Yarra Glen Station restoration team have almost finished rebuilding the seating in the station’s undercover waiting area.
Way and Works team continue their efforts with completion of drainage works!
The Board of the Yarra Valley Railway is proud to announce that we have been able to transfer 62RM to a new home at the Daylesford Spa Country Railway.
The Yarra Valley Railway has welcomed the Super DERM 55RM to Healesville.
Yarra Valley Railway was given the opportunity by VicTrack to retrieve railway materials from a storage yard adjacent to the former Spotswood Reclamation Depot and Flashbutt Welding Yard.
The concrete floor within the workshop has been completed!
YVR Volunteers complete another project milestone at Yarra Glen Station
The Ways & Works gang have been busy over the last couple of weekends attending to Healesville Yard.
Track inspection on the Heritage Worker’s Trolleys